SeaMonkey 2.53.19: New Integrated Internet Apps Released

INSENTION OF THE INTERNAIDS INSTALITIONS took place with the release of Seamonkey 2.53.19 . This update combines a web browser, email client, news feed aggregator (RSS/Atom), and Wysiwyg HTML page editor. Additionally, it includes preinstalled add-ons such as the IRC client Chatzilla, the Web developer tools DOM Inspector, and the Lightning Calendar-Planning Calendar.

Updates in this release include corrections and changes from the Firefox code base. Seamonkey 2.53 is built on the Firefox 60.8 browser engine, with ported security fixes and enhancements from the latest Firefox branches.

The focus of this new version is on bug fixes and improvements. Enhancements have been made to the font list display in settings, and the functionality of the bookmark creation interface has been optimized. The update also enables connection to IP 0.0.0 to prevent potential attacks on local services. Additionally, the Libraries NSS and NSPR have been updated, along with some corrections from the Firefox ESR 115 release.

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.