KDE Project Releases 2023 Report

Non-profit organization KDE E.V. Discloses Financial Details in Annual Report

Non-profit organization KDE E.V., which oversees the development of the KDE project, published the report for 2023. Alongside information on projects, events, and conferences, the report also revealed financial indicators.

In 2023, the organization received a total of 349 thousand euros, while 457 thousand euros were spent. The largest portion of funds (181 thousand euros) came from donations and contributions from members of the organization. Financial assistance from corporations and patrons, including Blue Systems, Canonical, G10 Code, Google, Kubuntu Focus, Qt Group, Slimbook, Suse, Tuxedo Computers, and Mbition, totaled 80 thousand euros. Income from the Akademy conference and other events amounted to 66 thousand euros.

The costs were allocated as follows: 317 thousand euros for wages of personnel and developers, 43 thousand euros for the Akademy conference costs, 20 thousand euros for other event costs, 18 thousand euros for miscellaneous expenses, 15 thousand euros for additional expenses, 13 thousand euros for sprint costs, 7 thousand euros for office maintenance, and 22 thousand euros for taxes and fees.

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.