Android Mobile Platform 15 Released

Google published the release of an open mobile platform Android 15 . The initial texts associated with the new release are posted in GIT-Roquation of the project (Android-15.0.0_r1 branch). In the coming weeks, the firmware update will be prepared for the series devices pixel , and in the coming months for smartphones production Samsung, Honor, IQOO, Lenovo, Motorola, Nothing, OnePlus, Oppo, Realme, Sharp, Sony, Tecno, Vivo and Xiaomi. Additionally will be formed Geneeric System Images), suitable for different devices based on architecture ARM64 and x86_64.

The main innovations:

  • The possibilities for simultaneously working with several applications on devices with large screens are expanded. Реализована поддержка добавления на экран панели задач для быстрого переключения между приложениями и закрепления ярлыков наиболее часто используемых программ.

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.