New Theory: Universe as Whirlpool of Galaxies

Scientists have developed a new model of the universe, which is based on the concept of “attraction pools” and helps to better understand its structure. This theory, proposed by the international team of researchers under the leadership of Dr. Orelien Valadium, makes astrophysicists revise previously existing ideas about how the Universe was evolved.

To explain the device of the Universe, scientists create mathematical models representing a set of equations describing its behavior. The team of Dr. Valadium took as a basis the standard cosmology model, known as lambda-CDM (Lambda Cold Dark Matter). It is widely used to explain the theory of a large explosion. One of the key elements on which this new work relies was the “Proceedings“.

Attraction pools can be represented as funnels, into which, like water, a substance is rushing under the influence of gravity. These zones began to form at the early stages of the expansion of the universe, when gravity was unstable in some places. As a result, areas arose with exceptional gravitational force – the attraction pools, which today hold the galaxies on their orbits.

The research was carried out using the lambda-CDM model and a huge array of data, including information about 56 thousand galaxies. One of the main difficulties was the need to work with huge amounts of data in which there could be errors. Scientists estimated that about 15% of the information can be “noise” – incorrect data. To cope with this, they used the Hamilton-Mont-Carlo algorithm, which is used to correct such data. This allowed researchers to calculate the density and speed of the objects, which in the future helped to clarify the overall picture.

The main goal of scientists was to expand the understanding of the scale of the universe. Earlier it was believed that the Milky Way is part of the supercrassing of Laniaca. However, the new data indicate that Laniacaia is included in an even larger structure – a whipping pool.

During the analysis, other pools of attraction were also identified scattered through the universe. The largest of them was the Slown Great Wall, stretching for half a billion of light years. This education significantly exceeds the size of the whisper basin, which was previously considered the most massive object.

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.