Telegram Hub for Cybercressions in Asia

In Southeast Asia, large criminal networks actively use Telegram to conduct illegal activities on a large scale, which has become one of the main topics of the UN report. In the document noted that the application contributed to serious changes in the methods of organizing the organization’s crime.

It is reported that Telegram distributes hacking data in large quantities – including credit cards, passwords, and browser history. The lack of strict moderation allows criminals to easily exchange information in numerous channels. In addition, through the messenger, cybercrime tools are sold, such as programs for creating deepfakes and info stealers, as well as offers for money laundering through unlicensed cryptocurrency exchanges.

The UN also drew attention to the fact that the application openly advertises proposals related to cybercrime. For example, one of the announcements quoted in the report claims that about $3 million in cryptocurrency received by illegal means moves daily.

Southeast Asia has turned into one of the centers of criminal activity aimed at victims around the world. According to the UN, a significant part of the industry is the Chinese syndicates working from fortified bases, where employees who are often involved in human trafficking work. The annual income of such groups is estimated in the range from 27.4 to 36.5 billion dollars.

Telegram, with about 1 billion users, was in the spotlight after its founder Pavel Durov was arrested in Paris on charges of assisting criminal activity. The French authorities have charged Durov with the spread of illegal content on the platform, including child pornography. Following the arrest, discussions began about the boundaries of freedom of speech and the responsibility of providers for the content of platforms.

After the arrest of Durov, he announced that Telegram would begin to disclose IP addresses and phone numbers of users according to official requests from authorities, and also plans to remove features that are often used for illegal activity.

According to the UN representative in Southeast Asia, Telegram provides a convenient environment for criminals, creating new threats to users whose data may be involved in fraudulent schemes. The report emphasizes that criminal groups have adapted to new realities, incorporating modern technologies such as malicious software and deepfakes into their operations.

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.