MySQL 9.1.0 DBMS Released

Oracle has established a new division for the DBMS MySQL 9.1.0 . The Mysql Community 9.1.0 release is available for major distributions of Linux, FreeBSD, MacOS, and Windows. Following a new release model introduced last year, MySQL 9.1 is part of the “Innovation” branch, which will also include the subsequent release of MySQL 9.2. Innovation releases, designed for those seeking early access to new features, are published every 3 months and supported until the next significant release (e.g., support for branch 9.0 is discontinued after 9.1 is released). Next summer, an LTS release is planned for implementations requiring stability and long-term unchanged behavior. The release following LTS will be the new Innovation branch MySQL 10.0.

Major changes in MySQL 9.1:

  • The “Create View” operation now supports the “If not Exists” expression, allowing creation of a view only if it does not already exist to avoid errors.
  • Triggers are now loaded only when performing read operations, reducing memory consumption and CPU load when triggers are not used. Triggers are processed in two stages – metadata reading and trigger analysis/execution. Memory allocation for trigger error processing is now dynamic to reduce memory usage.
  • The “Explain” operation has been enhanced to display information about multi-range reading and semi-join strategy during Join operations.
  • Atomic execution of “Create Database” and “Drop Database” operations protects against failures during emergency or file system errors.
  • Support for the vector type in JavaScript stored procedures.
/Reports, release notes, official announcements.