5 Hours of Gaming Weekly Boosts Brain by 13.7 Years

In a recent study, researchers found that video games can have a positive impact on cognitive abilities, while physical exercise can improve mental health. The study, titled Brain and Body, involved over 2000 participants from around the world who completed questionnaires about their physical activity levels and mental state. They also took part in online games designed to measure cognitive abilities such as memory, attention, and verbal skills.

The results of the study revealed that participants who played video games for more than 5 hours a week displayed cognitive abilities equivalent to individuals who were, on average, 13.7 years younger than their actual age. On the other hand, those who played less than 5 hours a week exhibited cognitive abilities comparable to individuals 5.2 years younger. Additionally, engaging in physical activity in line with the WHO recommendations (150 minutes a week) was associated with improved mental health, with participants reporting 12% fewer symptoms of depression and 9% fewer symptoms of anxiety.

While the research data relied on self-reported information from participants, which may introduce some margin of error, the findings highlight a clear link between physical activity, video games, and cognitive functions. It appears that frequent video gaming may contribute to enhanced cognitive abilities, while regular physical exercise can have a positive impact on mental well-being.

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.