Rogue Legacy Game Source Code Released

Cellar Door Games has recently made an exciting announcement regarding the release of the source code for their popular game Rogue Legacy. This game falls into the category of a two-dimensional platformer with elements of Roguelike and Fantasy, and it was initially available on various platforms such as Windows, MacOS, Linux, PlayStation 3/4/Vita, and Nintendo Switch. The code for the game is written in C# and comes with a specific license that allows users to compile and create modifications for personal use. However, it is mandatory to seek permission before distributing any assembled versions of the game.

It’s important to note that the published source code does not include any game resources that could be obtained from owning a copy of the game. The code is intended for use with the FNA package, which utilizes the open implementation of the libraries from Microsoft Xna Game Studio 4.0 Refresh. Additionally, there are ongoing efforts to port the game to the SDL 3 library, as mentioned separately in a post by the company.

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.