Mozilla Staff Accidentally Block Ublock Origin Lite

Administrators of the Additions to Firefox ( deleted all fresh versions of Ublock Origin Lite (ubol) after identifying violations during manual pending additions. The violations included the addition and sending of user data without warning, as well as the presence of minimized or automatically generated code without providing the source texts. Ublock Origin Lite, developed by the author of Ublock Origin, is an option for Ublock Origin, translated into the declarative API (DeclarativeNetrequest) of the third version of the Chrome Manifesto.

Raymond Hill, the author of Ublock Origin, announced that he has no time to refute the baseless accusations of Mozilla regarding Ubol. He clarified that Ubol is not involved in data collection and does not contain minimized code. All files mentioned in the report can be easily verified by anyone.

Raymond Hill later announced the termination of support for Ubol for Firefox and removed the archive with the Firefox version from releases. The reason cited was the unwillingness to participate in the time-consuming verification process on

Following this, Mozilla representatives apologized for the mistake made and confirmed that upon further review, no problems were found. The initial decision to remove Ubol was deemed incorrect, and the addition was restored in the catalog. However, Raymond Hill maintained his decision and opted to delete the Ubol page from the Addons catalog on

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