Posix-Utilite Unveils AV1 Decoder

Published release of the project posixutils -r 0.2.1, aimed at developing the RUST collection of command line utilities specified in the standard posix and complying with its requirements (CP, MV, AWK, Make, VI, Find, Sort, WC, Xargs, SH, M4, SED, etc.). The development uses existing Crate packets whenever possible. Posixutils-rs is distributed under the MIT license.

The project primarily focuses on achieving compliance with the requirements of the Posix.2024 specification and does not aim to ensure compatibility with GNU utilities, which are perceived by the authors as excessively bloated. However, there are plans to implement popular GNU utilities found in existing scripts.

Unlike the project uutils, which develops the implementation of GNU Coreutils in Rust, Posixutils-rs covers a wider range of utilities, including components mentioned in the Posix specification such as VI, AWK, BC, M4, Cron, and C99 compilers. The project follows a minimalistic approach, providing only the essential options determined by the Posix specification. Utilities in the Posixutils-RS set are initially self-contained code that can be used in other projects.

Currently, the project has developed 55 utilities, with 22 utilities providing the necessary functionality but lacking test coverage, 20 utilities at the draft stage, and work on 44 utilities yet to begin. Among the utilities with implemented functionality are AWK, BASENAME, BC, CP, Cut, Chown, Date, Diff, File, Find, Grep, LS, Nice, PS, Sort, Strings, Tail, Tr, Tty, WC, and Uniq. Utilities such as Crontab, C17, CFLOW, CTAGS, GETTEXT, Ed, EX, IconV, Lex, Locale, Mailx, Make, Patch, Pax, Sed, SH, Scss, Yacc, UCP, and VI have not started development.

The new

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