NVIDIA Published the stable release of the new branch of the proprietary driver nvidia 565.77. The driver is available for Linux (ARM64, X86_64), FreeBSD (X86_64), and Solaris (X86_64). NVIDIA 565.X is the eighth stable branch after the NVIDIA components operating at the nucleus level opening. The initial texts of the nuclei modules nvidia.ko, nvidia-drm.ko (Direct Rendering Manager), Nvidia-modeset.ko, and Nvidia-uvm.ko (Unified Video Memory) from the new branch of NVIDIA, as well as the general components used in them, not attached to the operating system, placed on GitHub. Firmware and library user, such as Cuda, OpenGL, and Vulkan, remain proprietary.
The main changes:
- The parameter “Glvidheapreuseratio”, designed to control the size of the memory size of OpenGL reserved for further reuse, has been added to the application profiles. The specified parameter can be used by composite Wayland servers to bypass problems leading to excessive video memory.
- To determine the compiler used in the assembly of the Linux nucleus, the code for analysis of the config_ccc_version_text parameter is added to the assembly process of nucleus modules in the configuration of the Kconfig nucleus.
- In the NVIDIA-MODPROBE utility, the definition of already loaded nucleus modules has been improved, which allowed getting rid of some systems that did not allow the NVIDIA-persistenced utility “Persistence” to prevent dumping the condition of the device when it is not used.
- Added support for the use of MMAP for exported objects DMA-BUF.
- Excluded situations that led to perching during synchronization with the completion of vertical deposit (VBLANK) in OpenGL when using GSP firmware.
- Nvidia-DRM utility properties are added specific for some CRTC controllers that can be used in Wayland composite servers to configure the color processing process in GPU
/Reports, release notes, official announcements.