Game Engine Updated With Open Code Dagor Engine

Gaijin Entertainment has recently announced the release of a new game engine called Dagor Engine. The code for this engine was made open-source last year under the BSD license and has since been utilized by VK company as the foundation for their Nauengine engine. A significant update in the latest version is the release of the full source code for developing multiplayer games under the BSD license. As a demonstration of this, the source code for the multiplayer game Outerspace has been published.

Alongside HOOKS Creative Studio, the Eastdistrict demo scenes have been created based on the popular map “dust 2” and utilizing the megascans libraries, showcasing the compatibility of the game card with both UNREAL Engine 5 and Dagor Engine. In comparative tests, the Dagor Engine demonstrated faster processing of the map while maintaining equal or even superior visual accuracy, thanks to techniques like advanced smoothing and real-time global lighting.

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.