Window Maker Live 12.8 Launches with GNUSTEP Elements

Distribution Window Maker Live 12.8 has been released, providing a user environment for Window MAKAR 0.96 with an interface in the style of nextstep. The composition includes GNUSTEP components, which are placed in a separate Gnustep Apps submenu. Some applications have been re-engineered using Gnustep libraries, such as the EMACS 29.4 text editor. For email functionalities, a GNUMALA postal client based on GNUSTEP is included, with CLAWS Mail available as an alternative. When it comes to web browsing, Pale Moon, Otter, and Websurf browsers are provided. Assemblies for architectures x86_64 and i386 (3 GB) are available for download here.

In the new version, the following updates have been made:

  • The system environment is synchronized with Debian 12.8.
  • Debian 12 versions of the packages C Gnustep have been replaced by new versions from Debian Testing.
  • Improved integration of Gnustep programs with the desktop.
  • For x86_64 architecture, the assembly includes the Linux 6.11.5 core, and for i386, it includes the Linux 6.10.11 core.
  • Additional features for digitizing books and creating electronic books have been added, along with TEX Live components and utilities like AuctEx and VIM-Latexssuite.
  • The Surf browser has been replaced by OTTER, and a browser with a Netsurf version is now available.
  • In addition to the qemu emulator, emulators like 86Box and previous (emulator of the NEXT platform) have been included.
  • The GTK3-Classic libraries have been replaced by standard GTK3 libraries from the Debian repository.
  • Specific components for Window Maker Live can now be found in a separate repository at “” and can be installed in the standard Debian 12 environment.

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.