Cloudberry Joins Apache: GreenPlum Fork Accepted

Apache Software Foundation Develops Cloudberry Database

The Apache Software Foundation is currently developing Cloudberry, a fork of the distributed DBMS GreenPlum. Originally, GreenPlum was an open-source project, but after being acquired by VMware and then Broadcom, it became a closed product. The Cloudberry project was created by the original GreenPlum developers and is based on the latest open-source version of GreenPlum. It has been adapted for use with fresh issues of PostgreSQL and includes enhanced capabilities for enterprises.

Cloudberry is now in the Apache incubator, where the infrastructure is being prepared, licensed cleanliness is being audited, and compliance with Apache community design principles is being verified. Once the project is deemed ready for independent existence without additional supervision, it will transition to becoming one of the primary Apache projects.

CLUDBERRY DBMS is a distributed edition of the open DBMS PostgreSQL, optimized for analytical queries over large datasets (Data Warehouse). It utilizes Massively Parallel Processing (MPP) architecture for parallel data processing, enabling scalability to petabyte sizes by segmenting data and involving clusters of servers for storage and processing.

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.