Scientists have made a groundbreaking discovery by observing quasi-particles known as semi-Dirac fermions, which only exhibit mass when moving in a certain direction. These semi-Dirac fermions were first predicted 16 years ago and have now been discovered in crystals of the half-metal material ZRSIS. This discovery has the potential to revolutionize the development of technologies for batteries, sensors, and other devices.
The study was carried out by scientists from the Pennsylvania University and the Colombian University using magneto-optical spectroscopy. This method involves irradiating the material with infrared light in a strong magnetic field and analyzing the reflected light. The experiments took place at the National Laboratory of High Magnetic Fields in Florida, where one of the most powerful permanent magnetic fields in the world is produced, reaching 900 thousand times higher than the Earth’s magnetic field.
During the experiments, the researchers cooled ZRSIS samples to a temperature of -452°F, just a few degrees above absolute zero, and irradiated them with infrared light in a strong magnetic field. Quantum interactions were observed, indicating the presence of semi-Dirac fermions. These quasi-particles exhibit a unique behavior, behaving like massless particles when moving along a certain trajectory but acquiring mass when changing direction.
The properties of these particles are supported by a theoretical model describing the electronic structure of ZRSIS, which resembles a network of tracks where electrons move like “rails.” At certain points where trajectories intersect, the particle’s movement changes, transitioning from massless to mass-bearing movement.
The existence of semi-Dirac fermions was predicted in 2008, with the observation of specific energy level patterns in ZRSIS under a magnetic field serving as crucial confirmation. ZRSIS has a layered structure similar to graphite, potentially enabling the creation of super-thin layers akin to graphene. Graphene is currently utilized in high-tech devices, including supercapacitors and biomedical sensors. Researchers are optimistic that similar applications can be developed for ZRSIS to precisely control the properties of semi-Dirac fermions.
Despite these advancements, many aspects of the behavior of these particles remain unknown, prompting ongoing research by scientists to unravel the underlying mechanisms of the observed phenomena.