Mincifers Unveils Smart Accounting for Budget Control

The Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation has put forward a proposal to establish a special regime for accounting for IT expenses of state bodies. This proposal also includes the creation of a register to track such expenses and define their composition. The draft resolution outlining these measures has been made available on the portal of draft regulatory legal acts.

According to the proposed document, IT expenses encompass a range of costs including procurement in the field of information and communication technologies, subsidies provided to autonomous and budget organizations to carry out state body functions, and subsidies allocated to state corporations, state-owned companies, and public law companies for tasks related to state information systems.

The explanatory note accompanying the draft resolution states that the plan involves implementing a special regime for IT expenses incurred by state bodies using funds from the respective budget of the Russian Federation’s budget system. It also involves establishing a register of IT expenses.

In addition, the proposal suggests introducing a process for coordinating IT expenses related to the development of new IT assets. This coordination would be done through the subcommission on key digital transformation projects, a part of the Government Commission for Digital Development. The draft resolution also outlines the procedure for utilizing federal budget funds and state extra-budgetary fund budgets for IT expenses.

The developers of the project emphasize that the objective of the document is to enhance the planning and execution of informatization measures as part of departmental digital transformation programs.

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.