Microsoft Releases Azure Linux 3.0.20241203

Microsoft published a distributive update for Azure Linux 3.0.20241203. This distribution is evolving as a fundamental platform for Linux systems utilized in cloud infrastructure, EDGE systems, and various Microsoft services. The project, developed under the MIT license, Distribute, has been building packages for Aarch64 and X86_64 architectures. The installation image size is 750 MB, available here.

Some changes in the new version include:

  • The Iptables package has been updated to process commands through the NFTables package instead of the legacy IPTables, by default.
  • An additional Kernel-64K package is now available for Aarch64 systems, utilizing large 64kb memory pages.
  • The package manager, tdnf, now supports the “installonlypkgs” setting for installing the kernel-64k package.
  • FS from Dracut is now included when using Systemd-networkd.
  • A driver for Intel Ethernet Connection E800 network adapters has been added.
  • Fluent-by-Logov Processor now supports the LUA language. Additionally, digital signature checks for nuclei loaded via the Kexec mechanism are enabled.
  • The SystemD-Detect-Virt utility is now used to determine container assemblies instead of checking the “/.dockerenv” file.
  • Updated versions of various packages including Linux core 6.6.57, SHIM 15.8, Symcrypt 103.6.0, Valkey (Fork Redis) 8.0
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