Arch Linux Moves Packages to 0BSD License

The developers of Arch Linux have made an announcement regarding the regulation of translating the entire source code of components used to form packages, such as files pkgbuild, .install, and .desktop, into the license 0BSD. This license, which is considered analogous to the translation into Public property, aims to provide clarity on the licensing of package sources in Arch Linux.

Prior to this announcement, the source code of package scenarios in Arch Linux was distributed without specifying a license, leading to uncertainty regarding their use and potential implications for other projects with stricter licensing policies. This move towards a defined license seeks to address these issues and provide a clear framework for developers.

Effective immediately, developers contributing to Arch Linux development will receive notifications via email listing their contributions. If a developer agrees to release their work under the 0BSD license, they can simply ignore the notification. However, if there are objections or concerns, developers are encouraged to respond with their feedback and discuss potential alternative options.

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.