Firefly Aerospace, an American company, has announced the launch date of its lunar landing module Blue Ghost – January 15. This mission will mark the second successful American landing on the moon after the Apollo program. The device, developed in Texas, will head to the volcanic formation of Mons Latrail in the sea of crises on the moon’s visible side. The 2-meter-tall and 3.5-meter-wide landing module will carry equipment for ten scientific projects and technological tests.
The Blue Ghost launch is scheduled to take place aboard the Falcon 9 launch vehicle, with the entire trip expected to last 45 days. Once on the lunar surface, the device will begin a two-week work program.
Firefly Aerospace secured the $93 million contract for the module and its launch through a program. In addition to this lunar mission, NASA is actively involved in various projects related to scientific discovery, aeronautics, astronautics, planetary research, space technologies, and education. Some of the most notable NASA missions include Apollo, Voyager, Hubble, and the International Space Station (ISS).
NASA collaborates with space agencies worldwide, such as the European Space Agency (ESA), Roscosmos, and the Chinese National Space Administration (CNSA) to expand humanity’s knowledge of the universe and utilize this information for the betterment of society.