Telegram Shares 30,000 Users’ Data with Authorities

Telegram satisfied the 900 requests of American law enforcement agencies, transferring 2,253 users to them and phone numbers of 2,253 phones, writes site 404 Media. The number of disclosed data increased sharply compared to previous years, while most of the requests were processed after changing the confidentiality policy in September 2024.

Previously, Telegram limited the disclosure of user data solely cases related to terrorism. Until September 30, 2024, the platform satisfied only 14 requests concerning 108 users. However, after updating the policy, Telegram now transfers data on other types of crimes, including cybercrime, trading in illegal goods and fraud.

Current numbers (left) and numbers for the previous period (right)

Source: BleepingComputer

The largest number of Telegram users transferred to India: 14,641 requests led to disclosure of information about 23,535 users. These data collects employee Human Rights Watch = “”>Etienne Minier.

In second place – Germany, whose law enforcement agencies sent 945 requests affecting 2,237 users. It is followed by the United States (900 and 2,253), France (893 and 2,072), Brazil (302 and 1,008), the Republic of Korea (270 and 658), Belgium (223 and 594), Spain (213 and 518), Poland (158 and 546), Italy (158 and 419), Great Britain (142 and 293), Kazakhstan (74 and 496). Moldova was also in the list of CIS countries, where Telegram granted one request and transmitted data about one user.

In the case of Russia bot, Telegram only gives information from January 1 to September 30

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.