The founder of Telegram, Pavel Durov, recently made a statement asserting that the popular messenger service remains independent of the political situation in the United States and is not subject to censorship.
Durov expressed his pride in Telegram’s commitment to freedom of speech, emphasizing that their values are not swayed by changes in U.S. electoral cycles. This dedication to free speech has been a core principle of Telegram long before it became politically safe.
His comments were in response to a recent announcement made by Mark Zuckerberg, the head of META (formerly known as Facebook). Zuckerberg declared the cancellation of a fact-checking program in favor of a system resembling Community Notes. He cited the changing political landscape and a desire to promote freedom of speech as reasons for this decision.
As a result of these changes, META is seen to be aligning itself more closely with the Republican party. Key positions within the company are being filled by supporters of Trump, such as Dan White from the UFC being appointed to the Board of Directors and Joel Kaplan taking on the role of head of global policy.
It is worth noting that META and its products are considered extremist and are banned in Russia due to their activities being prohibited in the country.