Linus Torvalds has announced the seventh candidate for the release of the Linux kernel 6.13. In his announcement on the Linux Kernel Mailing List, he suggested sending a guitar pedal to one of the core developers as a gift. Torvalds mentioned that he enjoys soldering small electronic devices as a hobby, and guitar pedals for use in playing electric guitars are perfect for this pastime. However, since he does not play the guitar himself, he decided to gift the assembled device to a core developer chosen randomly.
To participate in the giveaway, interested core developers must email Linus with the subject line “I want a guitar pedal” and select a pedal kit for assembly. Torvalds will purchase the chosen kit, assemble the device, and send it to the selected recipient by mail. Only core developers whose email addresses appear in commits accepted into the core in 2024 are eligible to participate in the drawing.