Enlightenment 0.27, EFL 1.28 Libraries Released

After a year of development, the user environment Enlightenment 0.27 was released, based on the EFL (Enlightenment Foundation Library) libraries and Elementary widgets. The release is available in the source texts without ready-made assemblies. The list of changes for the release of 0.27 is not finalized, with only a list of commits available which mainly include error fixes and minor widget improvements.

The desktop in Enlightenment includes components like a file manager, a set of widgets, an application launch panel, and graphic configurators. The graphic configurators offer both high-level settings like design changes and tuning of virtual workers of CCTols, as well as low-level tuning options like caching configuration and graphic acceleration.

To expand functionality, users can utilize modules (gadgets) and design themes for appearance processing. Modules like a calendar planner, weather forecast, data monitoring, volume control, and battery charge widget are available for display. Enlightenment components are versatile and can be used in other projects or to create specialized environments.

The Enlightenment library set EFL 1.28 was also released, allowing for visually appealing, compact, low resource consumption, and high performance graphic interfaces. Although initially developed for the Enlightenment environment, EFL components are frequently used in consumer electronics and mobile device interfaces, such as the Tizen mobile platform and various household appliances.

Required dependencies for Enlightenment include EFL, LibEXIF, and LIBPAM (Linux only), while recommended dependencies for full functionality include Connman, Bluez5, BC, Pulseaudio, acpid, Packagekit, udisks2, DDCUTIL, and GDB.

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