Cozystack 0.20 Launches: Open PAAS on Kubernetes recently announced the release of a new version of their free Platform as a Service (PAAS) platform, Cozystack 0.20.0. Utilizing Kubernetes as its foundation, Cozystack is designed to serve as a comprehensive platform for hosting providers, offering a framework for both private and public cloud environments. This platform can be installed directly on servers and handles all aspects of infrastructure setup to deliver managed services, including deployment and management of Kubernetes clusters, databases, and virtual machines. The source code for Cozystack is openly available on GitHub and is distributed under the Apache-2.0 license.

Cozystack makes use of Talos Linux and Flux CD for its technology stack. Pre-generated system images with necessary modules ensure stable operation without the need for components like DKMS or package managers. The platform offers a straightforward installation process in a bare data center using PXE and a Debian-like installer called Talos-Bootstrap.

Key components of Cozystack include a network infrastructure built on Kube-OVN, service networking using Cilium, service announcement with MetalLB, and storage provided by Linstor, which proposes the use of ZFS as the storage base layer. Monitoring is based on Victoriametrics and Grafana, while virtual machine launch technology leverages KubeVirt, allowing for the running of virtual machines directly in Kubernetes containers.

The latest version of Cozystack brings several notable improvements, including an update to Kube-OVN to version 0.13.0, enhanced logic for KubeVirt Cloud Controller Manager for more stable balancers, fixes for user rights in OIDC, the addition of a cluster administrator group, improvements to alerts and dashboards in Grafana, enabling Jetstream in Nats for configuration transmission, and support for using Terraform to interact with the platform’s API.

For more information about the latest release of Cozystack, visit the

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