Hackers Cripple South Africa’s Weather Service

The South African Meteorological Service (SAWS), which provides critical data for aviation, agriculture, and partner countries, has been the victim of cyber attacks, rendering their website inaccessible. The organization’s website ceased to function on the evening of January 26, and as a result, weather forecasts are now being disseminated through social networks and third-party platforms.

SAWS reported that the cause of this disruption was a “criminal element” attack on the company’s IT infrastructure. This attack affected key services provided by SAWS, including aviation forecasts, sea forecasts, email services, and the website, which serves as the main channel for weather information dissemination.

Despite the incident, SAWS promptly implemented alternative data transfer methods. The organization’s IT specialists, in collaboration with external contractors, are actively investigating the incident and working on restoring the affected systems. However, the timeline for full recovery has not yet been determined. SAWS representatives revealed that this attack was the second hacking attempt within two days, with the first attempt occurring on January 25 but resulting in no damage.

This cyber security issue extends beyond just national implications, affecting neighboring countries such as Mozambique and Zambia, who rely on SAWS forecasts and weather data. Interruptions in SAWS operations could have repercussions on flight safety and the agricultural sector. As of now, no group has claimed responsibility for the attack.

South Africa has faced cyber attacks before. In 2021, the Ministry of Justice of South Africa experienced system failures due to a ransomware attack, impacting the department’s computer systems and administrative payment services. This recent attack on SAWS highlights the ongoing threat of cyber security breaches and the need for robust defenses against such incidents.

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.