Billionaires Cheer: AI’s Impact on Wealth Gap Good

The co-founder of the venture giant andreessen horowitz Mark Andrissen again attracted attention to his radical version of “techno-optimism.” In a recent post he stated that artificial intelligence will inevitably lead to the “collapse of salaries”, but this, in his opinion, will only become prelude to economic paradise.

“The world in which the salaries of people fall because of AI – logical and inevitably – this is a world where performance takes off to heaven, and prices for goods and services fall to zero,” wrote Andrissen. “Consumer horns of abundance. Everything you need and want to, for a penny.”

In other words, while millions of people may encounter a financial disaster, a bright future is no longer around the corner.

Andrissen’s statement clearly demonstrates the brutal economic logic that many technological magnates adhere to. For them, progress is inevitable, and the suffering of millions along this path is perceived as an annoying but necessary phenomenon.

The author of the “techno-optimistic manifesto” Andrissen is not the first time romanticizing destructive economic shifts. In his opinion, the fall of salaries because of AI is not a problem that requires a solution, but a natural consequence of the development of technology.

It is curious that supporters of the “optimistic future” rarely offer specific measures to protect employees from the consequences of automation. The only alternative is called universal basic income, but Andrissen himself hates it, calling him an instrument that turns people into “zoo animals.”

Such statements are increasingly sounding from the leading figures of Silicon Valley. For example, the founder of Oracle Larry Ellison with enthusiasm said < /A>, how AI will strengthen the state surveillance system, forcing citizens to “behave as expected.” And the former technical director of the Openai World Murati “> He claimed that creative professions disappearing because of AI “should not have existed from the very beginning.”

Andrissen justifies his contempt for employees by the fact that many of them are “communists who hate America”, undermining the companies from the inside.

When billionaires begin to fantasize about the world without hired workers with such zeal, it becomes clear why they invest billions in technology that can replace them at such a speed.

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.