MYLIBRARY 3.1 Home Library Cataloging Released

In recent news, the release of Mylibrary 3.1, a home library program, has taken place. This program is coded in C++ and is available on GitHub and Gitflic under the GPLV3 license. The user interface is designed using the GTK4 library and is compatible with Linux and Windows operating systems. Arch Linux users can find a finished package in the AUR repository, while Windows users can access an experimental installer here.

Mylibrary is a tool for cataloging books in various formats like FB2, EPUB, PDF, and DJVU, including those stored in archives like ZIP, 7Z, RAR, and more. It creates a database without altering source files or their locations and ensures collection integrity by generating hash-sums for files and archives. Users can search for books based on different criteria such as author name, book title, series, and genre and read them within the program using compatible file readers. Book annotations and covers are displayed when selecting a book, along with options to view files within the collection.

The program also allows users to perform operations on the collection, such as updating, exporting and importing the database, adding or deleting books, and managing folders and archives. Features like bookmarks for quick access and filtering search results have been added in this latest version. Additionally, search speed and archive processing have been optimized, along with improvements in genre recognition and the transition to using CMAKE for assembly.

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.