Musk Warns of AI Threat: Terminator on Battlefield

During a speech at the US Military Academy in West Point last August, Elon Musk discussed the role of unmanned technologies and artificial intelligence in potential conflicts between major powers. The video of his speech was later published on YouTube in February.

Musk highlighted the current dependence on drones in modern armed conflicts, citing the active use of unmanned systems by various countries. He suggested that in a global confrontation drones and artificial intelligence technologies would dominate the battlefield.

Furthermore, Musk urged for a focus on the development and production of unmanned systems, arguing that many states are not adequately preparing for future conflicts by ignoring the potential of these technologies.

Expressing concerns about the military use of artificial intelligence, Musk cautioned against the possible negative consequences, drawing comparisons to the storyline of the film “Terminator”. He called on the military academy to avoid such a scenario.

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.