VOID Linux: Installation Assemblies Updated

VOID Linux has recently released new images of their distribution, following a continuous cycle of updating program versions without separate distribution releases. The previous assemblies were made available in March 2024. VOID Linux does not rely on the accomplishments of other distributions and is developed independently. The systems developed in VOID are distributed under the BSD license.

The new assemblies are accessible in options based on the Glibc system libraries and musl. Live images with the XFCE desktop and basic console assembly are prepared for platforms X86_64, I686, ARMV6L, ARMV7L, and AARCH64. ARM assemblies are supported by various devices including BEAGLEBONE/Beaglebone Black, Cubieboard 2, Odroid U2/U3, Raspberry Pi, Lenovo ThinkPad X13S, and PineBook Pro.

To manage services in the distribution, the system manager runit is used, along with their own package manager xbps for packet control and the xbps-src package assembly system. XBPS supports installation, deletion, and updating of applications, handling dependencies and identifying separated library incompatibilities using Glibc or Musl as standard SI Libraries.

Some of the changes in the latest release include added support for devices with ARM64 architecture CPU, supporting UEFI, updated packages, XFCE desktop environment, and improved scripts for system management. Additionally, issues with loading on systems with NVIDIA GPU have been resolved and accessibility features have been enhanced for keyboard navigation in the boot menu.

For more information, you can check the official announcement on the VOID Linux website.

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.