The developers of Regolith Linux have released version 3.2 of the Regolith desktop environment. Regolith is a Linux distribution based on GNOME sessions, the i3 window manager, composite servers like Picom and sway, panels such as i3bar, the notification system rofication, the status line i3status-rs, and the program launch interface ilia. The projects are distributed under the GPLV3 license.
Regolith is designed to provide a modern desktop environment focused on optimizing work processes and reducing clutter. It offers a functional yet minimalistic interface that can be customized and expanded based on user preferences. This may appeal to beginners familiar with traditional window systems as well as those interested in trying mosaic window layouts.
In the latest release, some of the key updates include:
- A session based on the composite server Sway.
- Code optimizations for initializing X11 and Wayland sessions.
- Added support for Ubuntu 04/24.
- Regolith-Control-Center configurator has been upgraded to GNOME 46 technology.
- Discontinued support for Ubuntu 04.04 and Debian 11.
- Outdated support for Wayland session for Debian 12 due to obsolete assembly dependencies.