Release Of Distribution For Creating Inter -grid Screens Opnsense 25.1

published the release of the distribution for the creation of inter -grid screens OPNSENSE 25.1 , which in 2015 was separated from the PFSENSE project in order to develop a completely open distribution that could have functionality at the level of commercial solutions for the deployment of inter -sections and network gateways. Unlike PFSENSE, the project is positioned as an uncontrolled by one company, developed with the direct participation of the community and has a completely transparent development process, as well as providing the possibility of using any of its own developments in third -party products, including commercial ones. The initial texts of the components of the distribution, as well as the tools used for assembly, spread under the BSD license. Assemblies prepared in the form of LiveCd and a systemic image for recording on Flash-drives (497 MB).

The basic filling of the distribution is based on the FreeBSD code. Among capabilities openSense: fully open assembly tools, support for the packages on top of the usual FreeBSD, load balancing tools, Web interface for the organization of connection users to the network (Captive Portal), the availability of mechanisms to monitor the states of PF based on PF), a system limiting system, traffic filtering, creating IPSEC, OpenVPN and PPTP, integration with LDAP, support for DDNS (Dynamic DNS ), a system of visual reports and graphs.

Based on the distribution, failure -resistant configurations based on the use of the CARP protocol and allowing, in addition to the main inter -grid screen, a spare knot, which will be automatically synchronized at the configuration level and will take on the load in case of a failure of the primary assembly. For the administrator, an interface is offered for setting up the inter-sequencers, built using the Bootstrap and Palcon MVC. P>

Among the changes:

  • A new design of the user interface is proposed that supports light and dark topics.
  • The transition to the codeBSD 14.2 code base was made (previously used the FreeBSD code 14.1).
  • Interfaces for managing users, groups and privileges, as well as a state of failure tolerance and the settings page are transferred to the use of MVC framework and are now additionally available through the Web API to automate the control of the network configuration.
  • Improved implementation security zones , allowing you to create network interface groups and tie the rules for them Interseter screen (for example, you can create areas for a secure internal network, an external network, available from the outside of services and systems of foreign users).
  • Added support for ZFS-snapshots.
  • It is allowed to include in SSHD_Config of its own additions.
/Reports, release notes, official announcements.