After 22 years with moment the formation in 2002 branches 3.0 took place the release of the proxy server privoxy 4.0.0 designed to create personal filters of Web content. Using Privoxy, you can cut out advertising inserts, discard tracking cookies, remove pop-up dialogs, block the loading of third-party JavaScript code, and make arbitrary changes to the user on the Web page. Privoxy supports the installation of both local systems of individual users and servers to create a centralized infrastructure of content filtering in a local network. The project code is written in the language of si and spreads under the license gplv2+.
From the expanded capabilities of Privoxy, it can be noted: the possibility of binding tags to change the behavior of filters depending on individual client and server HTTP-heads; HTTPS inspection mode, which allows you to filter HTTPs and answers; the use of regular expressions in configuration files; The possibility of replacing animated GIFs with cut static pictures.
Army changes in the new issue:
- Added the possibility of using cryptographic libraries Wolfssl and MBEDTLS 3.X for the operation of the HTTPS inspection mode. Compared to MBEDTLS, the Wolfssl library supports TLS 1.3 and works faster. Compared to OpenSSL 3.X, using the Elliptical Wolfssl curves, lags behind the performance.
- Added tools for testing work Privoxy.
- Added support for the library of regular expressions PCre2.
- For certificates and key files instead of MD5, the SHA256 algorithm is involved.
- Added calls to “”, “”, “”, “”, “I.Clean .gg/”,” “,” “,” Secure-eu