Google Open-Sources Pebble Smartwatch System

Google about opening the source of the operating system of the operating system pebble os used in smart watches Pebble . The code is written in the language of si and spreads under the Apache 2.0 license. System filling is based on the Freertos nucleus and the NewLib system library. The platform is designed for use on microcontrollers ARM Cortex-M.

The project to create smart watches collected At the joint financing site Kickstarter $ 10.3 million in 2012 and $ 20.3 million in 2015 (second place in terms of funds raised at Kickstarter). The clock was produced from 2013 to 2016 by Pebble Technology, whose activities were curtailed in 2016 after the absorption by Fitbit. Google received the rights to the Pebble operating system after buying Fitbit along with other assets.

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.