Opensuse Distribution Has Published An Alternative Installer AGAMA 11

The developers of the Opensuse presented installer agama 11 , developed to replace the classic SUSE and Opensuse installation interface, and noteworthy of the user interface from the internal components of YAST. AGAMA supports the use of various frontants, for example, a front-line for managing installation through a Web interface. The code of components of the installer is distributed under the license gPLV2 and written in the languages ​​Ruby, Rust and JavaScript/typescript.

The new installer can be tested in the alpha OpenSuse 16, and the SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 16, expected in the near future. In addition, separately formed Live-assembly for architectures X86_64, PPC64le, S390X and ARM64, supporting the installation of alpha versions of the Opensuse Leap 16, continuously updated Opensuse Tumblewhed and Opensuse Slowroll, as well as the Microos editors based on containers.

AGAMA development goals: elimination of the existing restrictions on the graphic interface; expanding the possibilities of using YAST functionality in other applications; departure from binding to one programming language; Stimulation of the creation of alternative settings by representatives of the community.

The installer provides functions such as the choice of the initial set of applications, setting up the network connection, tongue, keyboard, time zone and localization parameters, preparing the storage device and breaking sections, adding users to the system.

For installation of packages, equipment checking, disks breakdown and other functions necessary for installation on AGAMA, Yast libraries continue to be used, on top of which the service services are implemented that abstract access to the libraries through a unified communication protocol based on HTTP. The installer uses a multiprocessing architecture, thanks to which the interface of interaction with the user is not blocked during other works.

The base interface for managing the installation is built using Web technologies. The Web-interface is written on JavaScript using a framework react and components patternfly < /a>. Service for messaging, as well as a built-in HTTP server written in Ruby.

In the new version:

  • After choosing the type of operating system, the screen is now shown to set the Root user password. If earlier the user had to separately go to the USERS section and return to the consolidated screen, now the Root setting is integrated into the action chain offered by the installer. Assets/IMages/ROOTPWD-Agama11-6518380C389C389Bece5EF8AE6E5A58A.PNG “>

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