NASA 3D-Prints Antenna for Space Missions

NASA has successfully completed an experiment using a new antenna created through three-dimensional printing. This new method is expected to reduce the cost of connecting scientists with scientific devices for future space missions. Tests conducted in the fall of 2024 have shown that this innovative approach can quickly and economically prepare equipment for upcoming missions.

The concept for this project was developed by engineers from NASA’s Near Space Network division. After designing and assembling the antenna, they tested its interaction with retransial satellites before sending it on a flight with a meteorological balloon. Two NASA teams collaborated on creating the device: experts from the scientific balloons program and engineers from the Space Communication and Navigation program, Scan.

The process of three-dimensional printing involves building an object layer by layer from a digital model using liquid material, powder, or thread. The antenna was constructed using a special ceramic polymer with low electric resistance, offering flexible configuration options. To print the conductive structural elements, multiple printers with specialized ink were utilized.

The use of fortify equipment was crucial for the project, providing engineers with unprecedented control over the material’s electromagnetic and mechanical properties. This level of control is not achievable with standard 3D printing methods, allowing the engineers to create the balloon antenna within a matter of hours after obtaining the printer.

The chosen design was a magnetoelectric dipole antenna, a common solution in radio and telecommunications due to its radiation pattern in the form of a torus, which is ideal for the intended tasks.

Subsequent testing took place at the Greenbelt, Maryland Center at Goddard Space Flight Center. The antenna was subjected to testing in a unique anechoic chamber, the quietest room at the center. The specialized insulation in the chamber not only prevents electromagnetic waves from entering but also suppresses their reflection, creating conditions similar to those encountered in space.

NASA practitioner Alex Morochett installed the antenna on a specialized mast inside the chamber, where developers confirmed that it met the expected specifications and was ready for real-world testing in the air.

The final assessment occurred at the NASA Scientific Balloon Launch Center in Palestine, Texas. Engineers carefully evaluated how the antenna interacted with the Near Space Network retranslators by comparing its performance with a standard satellite communication system. The antennas were tested at various angles and heights to determine the optimal conditions for the new equipment to operate effectively.

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.