Linux Nucleus Release 6.13

After two months of development, Linus Torvalds presented the release of the nucleus linux 6.13 . Among the most noticeable changes: the regime of lazy displacement of tasks in the planner, support for the atomic entry in XFS and EXT4, the MultigRain TimeStamps mechanism, the adaptive mode of turning the polying in the AUTOFDO optimization, support for the ARM65 Guarded Control. Separate stacks in BPF, removal of Reiserfs, mounting mode of TMPFS accounting of the register register, support for POSIX expanding in SMB3.

The new version adopted 14172 corrections of 2086 developers,
The size of the patch is 46 MB (the changes affected 15375 files, 598707 lines of code were added, 406294 lines were removed). In the last issue, there were 14607 corrections from 2167 developers, the size of the patch was 37 MB. About 52% of all presented at 6.13
changes are associated with devices drivers, about 13% of the changes have
Attitude to updating the code specific to hardware architectures, 11%
associated with a network stack, 4% – with file systems and 3% with internal
nucleus subsystems.

the main innovation In the nucleus 6.13:

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.