Dillo 3.2.0 Minimalist Web Browser Launch

A new version of the Dillo browser has been released, offering users enhanced functionality through various updates and additions. Dillo provides a graphic interface based on tabs and supports HTML 4.01, CSS, and HTTPS, although it lacks JavaScript support. The browser’s functionality can be expanded through plugins, such as those for protocols like ipfs and gemini. When opening the start page, Dillo consumes 12 MB of RAM, while the installation Deb package is approximately 600 kb. The graphic interface is built using the FLTK2 library, and the project code is distributed under the license GPLv3.

In the latest version of Dillo, several improvements have been made, including support for vector images in the SVG format and the ability to draw mathematical formulas through the connection of the library nanosvg. Additionally, the browser now supports images in the Webp format by integrating the libwebp library. Users can select processed images using the “IGNORE_IMAGE_FORMATS” parameter.

Another new feature added to Dillo is the elevator scrolling mode, which simplifies navigation in multi-page documents. Users can activate this mode through the “Scrollbar_page_mode” parameter and scroll the contents up or down by clicking the mouse’s left or right button on the vertical scroll strip. The degree of overlap of the scrolled area can be adjusted using the scroll_page_overlap parameter. The browser also includes the option to move the scrolling strip to the left side with the “Scrollbar_on_left” parameter.

Dillo now allows users to bind their own links using the “Link_action” parameter, enabling the addition of buttons for opening links in another browser or multimedia player. Keyboard shortcuts “Ctrl +” and “Ctrl -” have been implemented to change the text scaling level on the page, while “Ctrl 0” resets the scale to its original state. Users can set the default scale using the “Zoom_FACTOR” option. Additionally, Dillo offers the ability to reboot the current page by sending the Sigusr1 signal process, which can be useful for displaying updated data from monitoring systems.

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.