VPN Lanemu 0.12 Released

Lanemu P2P VPN 0.12 release took place-the implementation of a decentralized virtual private network, operating on the principle of Peer-to-Peer, in which the participants are connected to each other, and not through the central server. The network participants can find each other through the Bittorrent trackers or Bittorrent DHT, or through other network participants (Peer Exchange). The application is a free and open analogue of vpn hamachi, it is written in the Java language (with separate components in SI) and is opened under the GNU LGPL 3.0 license. The launch in Windows, GNU/Linux, and FreeBSD is supported.

changes in version 0.12:

  • The AES-128-GCM algorithm is involved for peering encryption. Due to the change in the encryption algorithm, the new version of the application will not be able to interact with previous versions. Changes in invitations are not required.
  • Added the possibility of obtaining IPV6 addresses from Bittorrent trackers.
  • Bouncy Castle updated to the JDK18on-1.79. version.
  • Partially fixed the problem with the loading of the 32-bit LibtuntAPWindows.dll. library (source)
  • Improved algorithm for searching for a network device in Windows.
  • Added the possibility of manual removal of IP addresses from the list of known IP addresses shown when pressing the right mouse button on the record.
  • The internal behavior of the system of the system treya module for Linux and FreeBSD.
  • Added the Openjdk bootloader, which downloads the Openjdk archive and sets it in the Directory “JDK” next to the executable program file.
  • The calendar now uses the system language when creating an invitation, which affects the order of days of the week.
  • Updated the default network parameters used for non-working bittorrent-Tracker. (source)
/Reports, release notes, official announcements.