Telegram, a popular messaging app with millions of active users each month, has recently made the decision to close down the Z-Library and Anna’s Archive channels due to copyright infringement issues, as reported by Torrentfreak. These channels, known for being large shadow libraries, used the platform to share ads and updates without directly linking to copyrighted material.
Z-Library, which had over 630 thousand subscribers on its channel, had previously faced removal of messages following complaints from copyright holders. In response, they stopped sharing links to their website on Telegram and instead directed users to third-party sources like Wikipedia and Reddit. Similarly, Anna’s Archive, a search engine for shadow libraries, avoided sharing direct links to prohibited content out of fear of violating copyright laws.
Despite their precautions, both channels were suddenly inaccessible on Telegram. Not only were individual messages removed, but access to the entire groups was blocked with notifications citing copyright violations. Representatives from Anna’s Archive claim they did not receive any specific reasons for the block from Telegram, a sentiment echoed by the Z-Library representatives.
The exact legal request or complaint that led to this decision remains unknown. Possible factors could include random violations or legal actions in India, where Telegram has previously faced legal demands regarding user data transfer and blocking of pirate content.
While the Telegram channels are no longer available, both Z-Library and Anna’s Archive websites remain functional. In fact, Z-Library has already created a new channel and started recruiting subscribers on the platform.