The Cybersecurity Agency and Infrastructure Protection (CISA) recently released a new document titled “AI CyberSecurity Collaboration PlayBook”. This document is designed to enhance collaboration between developers, suppliers, and users of artificial intelligence in the cybersecurity field. It is based on recommendations for the voluntary exchange of information about cyber threats related to AI through the Joint Cyber Defense Collaboration (JCDC) platform.
The main objective of the document is to improve coordination between federal departments, the private sector, international partners, and other participants to enhance the security of AI systems and raise awareness about associated risks. The focus is on how JCDC participants can voluntarily share information about cyber incidents and AI vulnerabilities.
The “AI CyberSecurity Collaboration PlayBook” also outlines the mechanisms and assurances related to information exchange. It provides a management manual on utilizing the shared data to bolster collective protection, emphasizing that all actions are voluntary. Importantly, the document does not cover safety issues concerning risks to human life, health, property, or the environment. Such issues are recommended to be addressed according to organizations’ internal procedures. Ethical and legal aspects of AI are also excluded from the document’s scope.
It is important to highlight that the document does not establish new policies, mandatory requirements, or legal regulations. Instead, it aims to facilitate voluntary information exchange and foster the development of a comprehensive strategy to combat AI-related threats. Regular updates to the document are planned to address emerging challenges, with cooperation among government entities, businesses, and international organizations.
This initiative from CISA is crucial for advancing a more secure AI infrastructure to counteract the increasing threats in the digital realm. It signifies a significant step towards establishing a unified and efficient system for safeguarding the key technologies of the future.