Linux Kernel 6.14 Launched

After two months of development, Linus Torvalds presented The release of the nucleus linux 6.14. Among the most noticeable changes: the NTSYNC driver with Windows NT synchronization primitives, setting up reading operations in BTRFS RAID1, support for Reflink in XFS in Realtime mode, the possibility of an unexplored buffering/output, DMEM CRUP to limit GPU memory, generating. IO_URING in Fuse, delegation of attributes in NFS, support for atomic recording in Device Mapper, acceleration of symbolic links, control of the ability to perform scripts, support of Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Elite, driver for NPU AMD.

The main innovation in the nucleus 6.14:

  • disk subsystem, input/output and file systems
    • In the file system btrfs there was support for new balancing methods reading operations between drives included in the RAID1 array. In addition to the previously valid load distribution based on process identifiers (PID), the new version proposes three new balancing modes: “Rotation” (uniform distribution of load on all drives, the regime is included by default); “Latency” (distribution taking into account delays, may be useful for malfunctions or unstable operation of drives); Devid (manual control). To change the balancing mode added interface “/SYS/FS/BTRFS // Read_Policy”. Among other changes in btrfs –
/Reports, release notes, official announcements.