The tenth corrective update of the DEBIAN 12 distribution has been formed, which includes accumulated packet updates and added corrections to the installer. This update contains 66 updates aimed at eliminating stability problems and 43 updates to address vulnerabilities (source).
Changes in Debian 12.10 include updates to fresh stable versions of various packages such as BUP, Intel-Microcode, Mariadb, PostgreSASSSIN, SYSTEMD, and TZDATA. Additionally, packages like Kanboard and Libnet-EasyTCP-Perl, which had security issues, as well as the package Looking-Glass, known to be unsuitable for stable release, have been addressed.
For those looking to load and install “from scratch,” installations are available with debian 12.10 (source). Systems that are already installed and in a supported state will receive updates to Debian 12.10 through the standard update installation system. Security problem corrections included in the new Debian updates can be accessed by users through
Furthermore, the first stage of freezing for the base of Debian 13 “Trixie” branch has begun. During this stage, the execution of “Transitions” has been halted and packages necessary for assembly, such as Build-essential, are being prioritized.
On April 15, 2025, a soft freezing of the package base will take place, stopping the acceptance of new starting packages and closing the possibility of reintroducing previously removed packages. Subsequently, on May 15, 2025, a hard freezing will be implemented before the release, where the transfer of key packages and bags without Autopkgtests from the Unstable branch to Testing will cease.
Following the hard freeze, a complete freeze covering all packages will occur. The release of Debian 13 is anticipated in the second half of 2025.