NetworkManager 1.52.0 Configurator Released

The latest version of NetworkManager, 1.52.0, has been released, providing a stable interface for simplifying network parameter settings. This release includes plugins to support VPN services such as Libreswan, OpenConnect, Openswan, SSTP, and more. These plugins are developed as part of their own development cycles.

The key innovations in NetworkManager 1.52.0 are as follows:

  • Control support using Autotools tools has been added, allowing NetworkManager to be assembled using Meson tools.
  • An interface for setting up virtual network interfaces called ipvlan, commonly used in containers, has been included for organizing network access to external networks.
  • A new parameter, “IPV4.Link-Local = Fallback,” has been added to allow setting the IP address on the internal network interface (Link-Local) when no other IP address is configured.
  • Support for manual adjustment of the logical data channel (EPS Bearer) in LTE networks has been added.
  • Added support for DHCPV4-options “IPV6-ONLY Preferred,” indicating that a host can operate without IPV4 and rely solely on IPV6 addresses if the network supports IPV6.
  • Routes to DNS servers can now be automatically added using the properties “IPV4.rounded-DNS” and “IPV6.rounded-dns.”
  • The NM-Cloud-Setup utility now supports OCI (Open Container Initiative) containers.
  • Support has been added for using the mode fec (Forward Error Correction) when calling the Ethtool utility.
  • New parameters, “IPV4.Shared-dHCP-RANGE” and “IPV4.Shared-dhcp-lease-Time,” have been introduced for setting addresses and lease times.
  • A DNS server syntax resembling URI (used for DNS over TLS servers) is now allowed when specifying DNS servers.
  • The Initard-Generator utility now supports the Option “RD.NET.DNS” for configuring DNS servers.
  • The Global-Dns section now supports “Resolve-Mode” and “Certification-Authority.”
  • The DNSCONFD plugin can now be used to configure the Caching DNS Resolver system-wide.
  • A new IPV6 setting method called “shared” has been added in the NMTUI settings.
  • Support for the DHCPCanon option has been discontinued in the DHCP client.
  • The CLI interface now stores work history in the file $xdg_cache_home/nmcli-history instead of ~/.nmcli-history
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