The developers of the composite window manager Kwin have recently announced the removal of the design components associated with support for the X11 protocol. This change will lead to the editors of Kwin_x11 being accompanied by a separate repository called kwin-x11, while the repositories kwin will mainly focus on the editorial office of Kwin_Wayland, providing support for Wayland. The two editions can coexist and be installed simultaneously.
The separate delivery of Kwin_x11 and Kwin_Wayland by KDE is set to begin with the release of KDE Plasma 6.4 on June 12. Distributions will have the flexibility to provide Kwin as they see fit. Support for Kwin_x11 will continue until the formation of the KDE Plasma 7 branch.
Since 2018, the X11 support in KWIN has been focused on error correction code for the X11 protocol. The new functionality of Kwin is not tied to specific graphic protocols in the Kwin_x11 branch. Error corrections will initially be implemented in Kwin_Wayland and then propagated back to kwin_x11. To streamline the code bases of Kwin_x11 and Kwin_Wayland, plans are in place to minimize the differences between them.