The new leaders of manuals for Linux from Scratch 12.3 (LFS) and Beyond Linux from Scratch 12.3 (BLFS) have been announced, along with the LFS and BLFS system manager with SystemD. Linux from Scratch offers guidance on building the base Linux system from scratch, using only the original texts of necessary software. Beyond Linux from Scratch complements LFS instructions by providing information on the assembly and configuration of approximately 1000 software packages spanning various application areas, from databases and server systems to graphical interfaces and media players.
In Linux from Scratch 12.3, a total of 48 packages have been updated, including Linux Kernel 6.13.4, Glibc 2.41, Systemd 257.3, Sysvinit 3.14, Bash 5.2.37, Binutils 2.44, Coreutils 9.6, Openssl 3.4.1, Perl 5.40.1, Python 3.13.2, and Util-Linux 2.40.4. Notable changes include the use of UDEV from Systemd 257.3 in place of EuDEV in the version with the Sysvinit initialization system. The book also underwent editorial revisions in the explanatory materials.
Beyond Linux from Scratch 12.3 features 1560 updates, incorporating components like KDE Plasma 6.3.2, GNOME 47, XFCE 4.20, LibreOffice 25.2.1, Mesa 24.3.4, PostgreSQL 17.4, and many more. New packages introduced in this release include Sysmon3/Sysmond, Zxing-CPP, KDSOAP-WS-DISCOVERY-CLIENT, and others. Additionally, the previously included Qt5 package has been removed.
Aside from LFS and BLFS, several other books have been published as part of the project:
- “Automated Linux From Scratch” – a framework for automating the assembly of the LFS system and package management;