Tails 6.13 Distribution Released

Tails.net has presented the release of a specialized distribution Tails 6.13 (The Amnesic Incognito Live System), developed as part of the Tor project. The distribution is based on the DEBIAN 12 package base, comes with the GNOME 43 desktop, and is designed for anonymous exit to the network using Tor tools. All connections, except traffic via the Tor network, are blocked by the default packet filter. Encryption is used for the storage of user data in the mode of conservation of user data between launches. To download, an ISO-image capable of working in live-mode, with a size of 1 GB, is available here.

In the new version of Tails 6.13, updates have been made to the Tor Connection interface to prevent problems with defining a wireless card in case of a lack of network connection. Additionally, at the first load, the detection of problems with disk sections has been added, allowing for the exclusion of some malfunctions when creating permanent storage on USB drives. The updated versions of Tor Browser 14.0.7 and Tor are included in this release.

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.