Human Or Not Game Tests AI Detection Skills

In the modern digital world, the ability to distinguish artificial intelligence (AI) from a person is becoming increasingly crucial. While identifying AI in art may be straightforward, such as spotting excess fingers in images, distinguishing AI from human-generated texts poses a more challenging task. To aid individuals in honing their skills in recognizing AI or simply seeking entertainment, the game “Human or not” has been developed.

“Human or not” provides users with a two-minute text chat with an anonymous conversational partner, who could be either a human or a bot. Following the chat, participants are prompted to determine whether they interacted with a person or an AI. The aim of this experiment is to enhance understanding of the capabilities of modern AI models and prompt reflections on the essence of human presence in the digital realm.

Since its launch, the game has engaged over 1.5 million participants who have conducted more than 10 million sessions. Results have indicated that, on average, users accurately identified the nature of their interlocutor in 68% of cases. Interestingly, when engaging with an AI bot, the accuracy of identification dropped to 60%, only slightly above chance.

The game developers underscore that this experiment serves as a barometer for evaluating the advancement of technology in 2023 and spurs contemplation on the interplay between humans and machines in the digital domain. For those eager to test their prowess in AI recognition or simply seek an engaging experience, “Human or not” presents a unique opportunity to push their limits.

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