MYLIBRARY 3: Home Library Cataloging Issue Released

Recently, the release of the home library Mylibary 3.2 took place. The program code is written in the C++ programming language and is available on GitHub, under the GPLV3 license. The user graphic interface is implemented using the GTK4 library. The program is adapted to work in the operating systems of the Linux and Windows family. ARCH Linux users can find a finished package assembly script in AUR. For Windows users, an experimental installer is also available for download here.

Mylibrary catalogs books in various formats such as FB2, EPUB, PDF, and DJVU. It can handle files directly accessible or packed in different archives like ZIP, 7Z, jar, CPIO, ISO, TAR.GZ, TAR.BZ2, TAR.xz, and RAR. The program creates its own database without altering the source files or their location. It ensures the integrity of the collection by creating hash-sums of files and archives.

Users can search for books using various criteria like author’s name, book title, series, and genre. The program allows reading books by opening the relevant file formats installed in the system. When selecting a book, users can view its annotation and cover if available. It also displays the list of files in the collection and the books contained in a specific file.

Various operations are supported, including updating the collection, exporting and importing the database, adding or deleting books, adding folders or archives, copying or moving books, manual editing of book records, and creating bookmarks for quick access.

Some significant changes in the latest release include:

  • Added processing of metadata for DJVU files.
  • Added window settings.
  • Changed the format of the bookmarks database (compatibility with the old format is maintained).
  • Added a new function for filtering bookmarks in the window.
  • Corrected a regression that caused issues with GTKMM versions older than 4.8.
  • Updated the application icon.
  • Various other small changes and corrections.

Users also have the option to customize the appearance of the program according to their preferences.

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.