AI Deploys Facts, Lawyers in Courtroom

Lawyers Present False Precedents Generated by AI in Court

The trial court of vaiming required an explanation from a group of lawyers who presented the court with false judicial precedents. It was revealed that the lawyers utilized artificial intelligence to prepare documents, but the system unknowingly generated non-existent cases.

A lawsuit against Walmart and Jetson Electronic Bikes, Inc. was filed back in 2023. The plaintiffs, a family of six, claimed that a lithium-ion gyroboard battery purchased from Walmart caught fire at night, causing extensive damage to their home and serious injuries. In January 2024, lawyers submitted a motion to exclude certain evidence (motion in limine), citing 8 court decisions that were later found to be non-existent.

The judge discovered that these referenced cases could not be found in the WestLaw database or the electronic system of Wyoming courts. The lawyers were asked to explain the origin of these fictitious references. Upon scrutiny, the lawyers admitted that their internal AI platform had mistakenly created these references while assisting in drafting a petition. They acknowledged the need for better control and oversight of AI use within their firm.

Similar incidents have occurred in the past. In 2023, lawyers representing plaintiffs in a case against Avianca airline referenced fabricated precedents generated by ChatGPT. Despite the forgery being exposed, the lawyers initially defended the fictitious quotes and were ultimately fined $5,000 for their actions.

In another instance in 2024, lawyer Michael Cohen provided false case references obtained from the Gemini chatbot. Although no sanctions were imposed in this case, the judge criticized the situation as “ridiculous and shameful.”

These incidents underscore the increasing reliance on artificial intelligence in the legal field. However, the lack of proper oversight and control over AI technologies can result in serious consequences, potentially leading to sanctions and even disqualification of lawyers.

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.