NVIDIA Drivers: Wayland Support Update

Aaron Plattner, one of the leading developers of Proprietary drivers Nvidia, appreciated the state of support to Wayland in the NVIDIA Proprietary Drivers. He listed the areas in which the possibilities associated with Wayland are still behind X11. The information corresponds to the drives of the drivers nvidia 565, which is at the beta testing stage. The lag is associated with both problems in the NVIDIA driver itself, and with the general restrictions of the Wayland protocol and composite servers based on it.

Opportunities that are not yet planned to be supported in NVIDIA drivers on Wayland systems due to the restrictions on the Wayland Protocol and composite servers:

  • Stratovypy (formation of stereo-chairs with different buffers for the left and right eye) using GLX, EGL and Vulkan.
  • Mode Sli mosaic, which allows you to combine several GPUs into one logical GPU to create a large virtual screen consisting of several displays.
  • NVIDIA-SETTINGS configurator does not allow achieving an identical level of settings in different composite managers, since Wayland systems do not have a single screen configuration mechanism.

Some functions cannot be implemented due to the impossibility of ensuring their support in different Wayland composite servers. However, these possibilities can be implemented in applications using the graphic API Vulkan and Vulkan broadcast vk_khr_display (“Vulkan Direct to Display”), which allows direct work with the screen, bypassing the composite server. Vulkan can ensure the work of opportunities such as stereo (vk_khr_multiview with several clocks drawing), Vulkan Explicit Sli mode (vk_khr_device_group), Framebuffer groups through vk_nv_pres_ent_barier, frames locks (Frame Lock), and general locks.

Opportunities that are already in development or planned to be added in future NVIDIA drivers:

  • The use of VRR (Variable Refresh Rate) in multi-monitor configurations surrounded with Wayland. Will be added in the next issue of NVIDIA drivers.
  • Setting the default parameter “NVIDIA-DRM FBDEV = 1”, which will
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